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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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A brief storm, and then placidity…

Good morning, Netizens...

It only lasted a brief moment in time, but early this morning an trivial little thunderstorm cell defied every bit of meteorological finesse by materializing when weather forecasters stated the night was supposed to be clear and cool. I noticed lightning in the northern sky about 2:45 AM this morning when I arose, appearing to be somewhere in the vicinity of Deer Park.

According to its signature on weather radar, it formed somewhere just North of the Spokane and Stevens County line and slightly west of Deer Park, but this industrious little two or three mile-wide storm cell truly hammered the terra firma with repeated cloud-to-ground lightning and a fair amount of rain according to one of my associates who lives near Clayton, Washington. It flickered the lights a few times and in general played havoc with various Wireless Internet towers in the area.

Then, satisfied with its self, as quickly as it formed, it simply dissipated, and by the time it had crossed the Idaho State Line it was once again an unindustrious little rain cloud, leaving just a bare trace of its former existence on the NEXRAD weather radar in Spokane.

By 4:00 AM as I began my self for the day's business, I heard the pattering of raindrops on the patio roof, like so many cat paws, their claws clicking as they pace across the hardwood floor in the Great Hall in the darkness, and that, too, dissipated as in the East the sky began slowly fading from black to gray.

Somehow this triumph of nature over science is reassuring, in some obscure manner, despite the fact so many of us depend so much upon science to make a living.

As I ramble in the front door of The Virtual Ballroom, I am somewhat surprised to see the Ghost of Max Ehrmann, someone I barely remember, serving a tour of duty as our barrista this morning. In case you do not recognize the name, he wrote Desiderata which went largely ignored until after his death.

“This morning's custom blend is called 'Placid Thoughts'” Ehrmann's Ghost states with a smile. “If there are no lessons in life, no deep meaning in your science, a cup of this will set your heart at ease.”

May your day be placid.


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.