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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

SATURDAY, NOV. 24, 2007

POST Graduation: Don't suffer PTSD, cause it

Item: Officials 'mortified' over PTSD slogan: POST graduation program causes a stir/Betsy Z. Russell, Spokesman-ReviewMore Info: Idaho’s newest police officers are not being trained to inflict post-traumatic stress, the head of officer training for the state says, despite a slogan to that effect that was…

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CDA Council Limits Sledding On Streets

Item: City Council limits street sledding: Members cite safety concerns as main reason/Lucy Dukes, Coeur d'Alene PressMore Info: The decision eliminates sledding on Garden Avenue west of 11th Street and Fruitdale east of 15th. Sledding remains possible on Lost Avenue from Dollar to 14th Street,…

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Wild Card/Saturday -- 11/24/07

Another holiday season was officially ushered in this evening in Coeur d'Alene, with the annual winter parade and Coeur d'Alene Resort fireworks display and light show. As I mentioned in the comments section, the fireworks display and light show was as good as usual. But…

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Feminist Mystique

Item: Study indicates that women who push for gender equality often have strong partnerships and better romantic relationships/Judy Peres, Chicago TribuneMore Info: Take a feminist out to dinner. That's the advice of a social psychologist who concludes in a new study that feminists make better…

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Bob: Mary Cared too Much, Unlike DFO

I too have read the archives. EVERY SINGLE ARCHIVE ON HBO about Mary. And it's obvious to me that DFO has been spearheading a vicious SMEAR campaign against the civically gentle and warm Mary Souza. Every SINGLE ONE of her columns in the Press were…

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Digger: Strategizing Christmas Shopping

Digger: I don't do my shopping until next weekend and every subsequent weekend thereafter. I take one weekend and decide to shop for a partictular person or group of people. Never mind if I find something someone else may enjoy, they're not until later on…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.