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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice

Is 1978’s “Halloween” still scary?

As I remember it, the first Ebert and Siskel show I saw featured reviews of the movie "Halloween."

Both of the film critics seemed to think it was pretty scary. And so I went to see it during my short work stint in San Angelo, Texas.

I agreed with the critics. Pretty darned scary.

I remember a guy sitting in the row ahead of me was almost out of his mind with fright, shouting instructions to the babysitter up on the screen.

Quite a few years passed and my wife, no fan of horror flicks, expressed a willingness to see it. So we watched it one Halloween.

Only it really didn't seem all that scary. Maybe because it now came off as a bit predictable, even if you had not seen it before.

Sort of sad, really. A bit like watching Willie Mays stumbling in the Mets outfield during a World Series long after he should have retired.

Anyway, I found myself thinking about "Halloween" this afternoon when I heard the theme coming over the sound system at Rosauers.

How the mighty have fallen.

So let me ask you. Did you ever find that movie scary?

The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.