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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

WA Lege Day 19: House rules

OLYMPIA -- The House of Representatives has a bit of housekeeping to take care of this morning, specifically some rules for how they do business.

Minority Republicans have proposed four rule changes, including one that would require a two-thirds majority vote on tax measures should the state Supreme Court rule that the super-majority required by initiative is unconstitutional. At a press conference earlier this week, GOP leaders from both chambers said they were preparing for that possibility.

Another rule change would give every member at least one hearing on one bill, thus allowing minority members a chance to get a public airing of at least one of their ideas.

Elsewhere around the Capitol campus, hearings started early this morning because some legislators will be getting the heck outta Dodge early this afternoon for the weekend. The Senate Law and Justice Committee aired out a proposal that Spokane County officials are watching, which would open up information from medical examiner investigations into officer-involved shootings.

The state's county officials association has some problems with the wording, but suggested a fix that would keep it's members happy. We'll have more on that topic later today.

For a complete list of today's hearings, go inside the blog.

Legislative Meeting Schedule


Friday, February 01, 2013





8:00 AM

Early Learning & K-12 Education (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 1


Law & Justice (S)

Senate Hearing Rm 2


Finance (H)

House Hearing Rm A


10:00 AM





1:30 PM

Early Learning & Human Services (H)

House Hearing Rm C


Education (H)

House Hearing Rm A


Health Care & Wellness (H)

House Hearing Rm B


Local Government (H)

House Hearing Rm D


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House Committees

Early Learning & Human Services
2/1/13 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Work Session: Substance abuse: Assessment and treatment of TANF recipients.

Public Hearing: HB 1250- Concerning juveniles and runaway children.

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2/1/13 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Work Session: Educational Opportunity Gap.

  1. Recruiting Washington Teachers.
  2. State Ethnic Commissions and Tribal Leader Congress ??? Education Initiatives.
  3. Office of Native Education Report to the Legislature.
  4. Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight & Accountability Committee Report to the Legislature.


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2/1/13 8:00 am

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/30/2013 10:58 AM

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1272- Exempting from business and occupation tax certain amounts received by cooperative finance organizations.
  2. HB 1358- Concerning a sales and use tax exemption for restaurants in respect to certain items that impart flavor to food during the cooking process.
  3. HB 1366- Concerning nonresident vessel permits and taxation.
  4. HB 1427- Addressing the evasion of taxes by the use of certain electronic means.


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Government Accountability & Oversight*
2/1/13 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA


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Health Care & Wellness
2/1/13 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1139- Concerning public notification of local health conditions.
  2. HB 1213- Concerning social worker licensing.
  3. HB 1216- Concerning insurance coverage of treatment of eosinophilia gastrointestinal associated disorders.
  4. HB 1230- Concerning persons who are pursuing a course of study leading to a degree as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.
  5. HB 1085- Concerning the Washington health security trust.


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Local Government*
2/1/13 1:30 pm

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/31/2013 11:16 AM

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1264- Concerning partial fire district mergers.
  2. HB 1269- Allowing legal entities to cast votes in diking district elections.
  3. HB 1274- Concerning local government practices and procedures.
  4. HB 1360- Extending the deadline to designate one or more industrial land banks.
  5. HB 1367- Authorizing assessments for nuisance abatement in cities and towns.

Possible Executive Session:

  1. HB 1016- Designating facilities and infrastructure of water purveyors as essential public facilities under growth management planning requirements.
  2. HB 1040- Concerning real property valuation notices.
  3. HB 1052- Concerning local government selection of appropriate sewer systems in urban areas.
  4. HB 1053- Requiring notice to property owners when a county, city, or town modifies its zoning requirements.
  5. HB 1104- Incentivizing up-front environmental planning and review.
  6. HB 1128- Regarding local agencies' responses to public records requests.


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Senate Committees

The schedule is subject to the addition of more committee agendas. Please check our website,

Commerce & Labor*
2/1/13 8:00 am

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA


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Early Learning & K-12 Education*
2/1/13 8:00 am

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/31/2013 8:45 AM

Public Hearing:

  1. SB 5243- Establishing policies to support academic acceleration for high school students.
  2. SB 5104- Placing epinephrine autoinjectors in schools.
  3. SB 5197- Requiring additional safety features in school construction and remodeling. (Hearing is on the proposed substitute.)
  4. SB 5094- Requiring notification of sex offenders attending schools.
  5. SB 5242- Requiring policies regarding assignment of certificated instructional staff.

The Proposed Substitute is posted on the committee's website at: is also available from committee staff. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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Law & Justice*
2/1/13 8:00 am

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 2
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/24/2013 11:33 AM

Public Hearing:

  1. SB 5178- Modifying organized retail theft provisions.
  2. SB 5165- Increasing the authority of superior court commissioners to hear and determine certain matters.
  3. SB 5119- Creating a sentence enhancement for body armor.
  4. SB 5272- Modifying provisions in the forms for traffic infraction notices.
  5. SB 5183- Concerning financing statements to perfect security interests.
  6. SB 5256- Concerning the confidentiality of certain autopsy and postmortem reports and records.
  7. SB 5162- Prohibiting a child custody award to a suspect in an active murder investigation.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.

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