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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Glass recycling program

Three thousand tons of glass is piling up at a city waste transfer station waiting to be recycled and city leaders say they have solutions, including using it in road beds and as landscaping material. But a candidate for mayor says Mayor Mary Verner is simply "chasing fads."

A massive pile of glass waits to be recycled at the North County Transfer Station, June 8, 2011. in Spokane, Wash.

Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

Geoff Glen, disposal superintendent for the City of Spokane, Solid Waste Department, stands before a massive pile of glass waiting to be recycled at the North County Transfer Station, June 8, 2011, in Spokane, Wash.

Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

Chris Lacroix releases the gate on a recycling bin as clear glass crashes to the ground at the North County Transfer Station, June 8, 2011, in Spokane, Wash.

Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

After opening one side of the recycling bin, Chris Lacroix heads for the other side as clear glass crashes to the ground at the North County Transfer Station, June 8, 2011, in Spokane, Wash.

Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

City leaders say they have solutions, including using it in road beds and as landscaping materials.

The Spokesman-Review

Recycled glass has been used to landscape an area at Division and 4th Avenue near the I-90 off ramp.

Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

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