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Here’s What’s New On The Gop’s Menu

Rick Bonino Food Editor

What better barometer of the changes wrought by the Republican Congress than the food and beverage sales at the Stouffer Renaissance Mayflower Hotel?

The latest word from the tony inn a few blocks from the White House:

Out: Draft beer. In: Martinis and Manhattans.

Out: “House brand” liquor. In: “Top shelf” labels.

Out: Demure lattes. In: Bolder espressos.

Out: Hamburgers. In: Salmon burgers. (As long as they last, anyway.)

In the bag

Even if your kids don’t take hot lunch at school, their noontime meal may be warmer than you realize.

University of Idaho researchers found that lunchbox temperatures quickly reach the “danger zone” of 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, where microorganisms breed best. While peanut butter and cheese are safe sources of protein, most cold foods spoil easily.

If you pack cold foods, freeze sandwiches ahead of time and use an insulated lunch bag with a frozen fruit juice container. At school, keep lunches in the coolest place possible.

Interestingly, many youngsters develop immunity to food poisoning by repeatedly eating contaminated cold lunches - similar, we suspect, to the resistance they build up to those mystery meats in the hot-lunch lines.

Big deal

Cooking can be ho-ho-horrible when you’re pressed for time and don’t have any idea what to make.

Well, the Jolly Green Giant is here to help. Through February, you can call the toll-free Green Giant Recipe Hotline (1-800-473-3644), an automated service featuring a very soothing voice that will read you recipes for salads, side dishes and main courses. You can also get recipes faxed, or access the system through the Prodigy computer network.

The recipes, of course, include Green Giant products, but you could make them with any brand of frozen or canned veggies. At your own risk.

Greg loved it

Actress Ann B. Davis, on her “Brady Bunch” days: “I used to insist on having something in the pot when I pretended to cook. In the beginning it was canned stew, but after a while I became less pure in my acting, and I’d add salt and pepper to boiling water.”
