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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. How long does it take a loaded freighter to sail from New York City to Los Angeles?

A. About 14 days.

What gives your voice much of its own distinctive tone are your sinuses. They’re echo chambers.

The government of Greece in 1995 launched an extensive anti-smoking campaign. Cigarette sales there now are up 3 percent.

Rodin’s “The Thinker” depicts Dante.

You can still buy colored socks with white toes, I understand. That goes back to a long forgotten bit of mythology in early Ireland - that white-toed socks keep the wearer from tripping over the “little people.”

Rare is the medical article written by a lone physician. Usually several participate. Actual author count averages out to 4-1/2 contributing doctors per article.

The piranha is a gang fighter. Alone it won’t attack big prey.

Jack Lemmon once played the piano for a living. So did Warren Beatty.