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Get Busy And Stay Involved

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: You have printed several letters recently about the state of the American work force. In one column, you said, “Hello, Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. Any suggestions?”

After three years as the secretary of labor, I’ve learned that how you see the economy depends on where you sit.

Workers tell me every day they live paycheck to paycheck. They can’t save for retirement. They work two (maybe three) jobs to make ends meet. They juggle work with family. They worry about layoffs, downsizing and sending their kids to college.

Although the national economy has caught fire, the gains to many workers have gone up in smoke. This administration has provided the Family and Medical Leave Act, School-to-Work apprenticeships for young people and better safeguards for workers’ pensions. But we still need a higher minimum wage, skill vouchers for people who must learn new skills, and low-interest college loans.

But we cannot do it alone. Parents must turn off the TV and make sure their kids do their homework and stay in school. All working people must seize every opportunity to upgrade their skills.

The business community also has a responsibility to treat workers as assets to be developed, rather than costs to be cut. They should - and must - give workers a share of the wealth their hard work has created.

My message to your readers is demand more from your elected leaders, from your kids, from yourselves and from your employers. All of us must stand on the side of Americans who want to work hard and play by the rules. Sincerely - Robert B. Reich, secretary of labor

Dear Secretary of Labor Reich: I was sure you would come through with a fine response, and you did not disappoint. Thank you.

Dear Ann Landers: I sympathize with “Denver Diner” and others who frequent fine dining establishments, only to find themselves seated next to guests in tank tops and cutoffs. However, I feel compelled to explain a few things.

For the last 20 years, I have managed various dining establishments across the country. I have served presidents, actors, authors, garage machinists, retail clerks and cab drivers. I’ve served the beautiful, the slovenly, the homely, Republicans, Democrats, the brilliant, the ignorant, the rich, the poor, the courteous, the rude, the Armani-clad and the polyester leisure-suited. They all have one thing in common - they enjoy dining out.

I suggest that Denver lighten up. If he is unable to rise above his judgmental attitude, he should stay home and order a pizza. - Maitre d’ in Houston

Dear Maitre d’: Beautiful. I wish I’d said that.

Dear Ann Landers: I have seen a lot on TV and in the newspapers about a woman’s right to say “no” to sex, but what about a man’s right? I’ve never heard any mention of this.

After being married for 47 years, I’d like to know what are my sexual rights? - Clarification Wanted in Edmonton, Alberta

Dear Ed.: No one should be obligated to have sex if he doesn’t feel like it. Females who aren’t in the mood can fake it. A man, however, for biological reasons rarely has this option, and if he doesn’t feel like it, he shouldn’t have to fake it.

Gem of the Day: One indication of middle age is the sudden attraction to naps.