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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

It Might Express A Need In You

Nancy Huseby Bloom

Dear Nancy: I am quite happy and satisfied with my marriage of 14 years. At times I’d like more romance in my life, but for the most part I am quite content with the way we live. When I awoke from this dream I was concerned. - Maggie

I am in my kitchen preparing dinner when the doorbell rings. When I open the door, my high school sweetheart is standing there. We embrace; then the scene changes and we find ourselves in a moonlit meadow. We dance and make love until dawn. I wake up.

Dear Maggie: Dreams of being with a lover, regardless if he’s known to you, can depict yearning for a more romantic and sensual life. Even in a satisfying, good marriage, romance needs to be encouraged and cultivated. Could this dream be an invitation to include more romance in your marriage?

What were the outstanding traits of your high school sweetheart? Was he warmhearted and generous? Perhaps these qualities are traits you desire to integrate into yourself or would like to see in your partner. An artist or musician may indicate your need to express your own natural creativity.

What is your dream lover’s name? Many times clues are expressed through puns and metaphors. For example, the name Dave Church may suggest your inner being wants a closer relationship with God or a higher being of your chosen faith. If you find yourself dancing or making love to a famous comedian, the message may be to lighten up and see the humorous side of life.

Is your dream lover someone you know and find attractive? If so, this may be a “wish fulfillment” dream.

In Jungian psychology, being with a dream lover indicates the integration of the male and female parts of the psyche. This can imply that masculine qualities (assertive, intellect, fighting spirit) are fully integrated with the feminine (gentle, intuitive, nurturing spirit) - a positive sign suggesting balance and wholeness.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful dream, Maggie.

Tips for readers: As with other aspects of our lives, dreams update us on our feelings regarding work and careers. If the dream has a work setting or includes people you work with, determine if it’s commenting on that part of your life.

The most common work dream is a review of the day’s events, reruns of your mental and emotional state, which helps to unclutter your mind. They can also demonstrate the level of stress you’re under.

If you continually experience dreams of feeling overwhelmed regarding performance or forgetting important details, you can be sure your psyche is reminding you that you need to slow down and take time to rest and rejuvenate yourself.

When stress levels become too high, your dreams will reflect that physical or mental pressure. Each dreamer has his own symbols for overwork: tidal waves, being in traction, carrying heavy burdens.

By paying attention to work-related dreams and giving care and thought to what is offered, we can ward off dangers such as mental or emotional breakdown or even physical Illness.

This column is intended as entertainment. But psychologists who work with clients’ dreams say that dreams can hold a tremendous amount of significance; a particularly disturbing or repetitive dream may indicate the need to see a therapist.

, DataTimes MEMO: Nancy Huseby Bloom has studied dreams for 16 years. Dreams may be sent to her c/o The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210-1615, or fax, (509) 459-5098. Please send a short summary of the circumstances in your life and include your name, address and phone number. Nancy conducts dream groups on a regular basis. For information, call 455-3450.

Nancy Huseby Bloom has studied dreams for 16 years. Dreams may be sent to her c/o The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210-1615, or fax, (509) 459-5098. Please send a short summary of the circumstances in your life and include your name, address and phone number. Nancy conducts dream groups on a regular basis. For information, call 455-3450.