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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

If the sun’s core burned out today, scientists say, the solar surface would cool so slowly it would take 10 million years for earth to feel the effect.

“Toady” is a word once common in your ancestors’ vernacular. It means to curry favor in some servile way. It’s a clipped version of “toad eater,” a medicine show assistant to a quack doctor. The toad eater pretended to eat toxic toads, before the quack miraculously cured the faker with an elixir, offered immediately thereafter for sale.

Scarecrows in Sri Lanka still wear sarongs.

If you want two people to think well of you, slow down so the car trying to merge into your line can pull in front of you. Both you and the other driver for one moment will marvel at what a fine person you are.

Since World War II, it’s said, “OK” has been the most widely used expression in any language.

Our love and war man has observed that those two capital sins called gluttony and lust seem to be promoted in one gender by the other. Women, for example, tend to promote gluttony in their men. And men, it’s widely known, are inclined to promote lust in their women. But as for the others - covetousness, anger, envy, pride and sloth - they split the credits.