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Fast Checkout A Must For Shoppers

Phil Lempert Chicago Tribune

Shoppers are more impatient than ever when it comes to the checkout line. That may be one of the reasons why “alternative food sources” such as drugstores, convenience stores, discount stores and warehouse clubs are enjoying a surge in popularity.

In a national study commissioned by the trade newspaper Supermarket News, nearly twice the number of people surveyed said they were doing more food shopping at convenience stores versus a year ago.

And “fast checkout” was a top priority for shoppers rating “ideal food store qualities.” It was surpassed only by low prices and convenient location.

Having a fast checkout was rated higher than offering a wide selection, having a friendly atmosphere and offering great specials.

And of all the qualities rated, fast checkout was the one that showed the biggest gain in consumer popularity in the past year.

Two express lanes for purchases of 10 items or less during peak shopping times are no longer enough, respondents said. They want at least four express lanes - two for 10 items or less, and two for 20 items or less.

Many shoppers also complain about scanning accuracy. As with any other technology, scanning is not infallible. According to a survey by the Federal Trade Commission, scanners are accurate only 95 percent of the time.

But of all retail outlets surveyed, grocery store scanners were the most accurate, with an error rate of 3.47 percent. Department stores were the least accurate, with an error rate of 9.15 percent.

The study found that scanner errors were more likely to result from carelessness - understandable when you realize that a typical food store may have to change prices on hundreds of items each week.

What can you do to make your checkout experience better? Here are a few tips:

Look for baggers. If a clerk must also bag items, the line will move that much more slowly.

Be interested in what’s going on. Watch prices as they’re scanned in to make sure you are not being overcharged.

Be organized. Have coupons and frequent shopper cards ready. If you’re paying by debit card or check, have it in hand.

Being efficient doesn’t mean being offensive. Cashiers greet and serve hundreds of shoppers a day, most of whom want to get out quickly and find paying for groceries to be one of life’s biggest annoyances. Be kind.