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Serve Pears Fresh, Poached Or Baked

The Associated Press

Here are some tips for ripening and preparing pears, from the California Pear Advisory Board:

Always ripen pears in a bowl at room temperature. Once they have reached desired ripeness, place them in the refrigerator to slow further ripening.

Green, firm pears will take four to six days to ripen at room temperature. Pears turning from green to yellow and losing their firmness are ready to eat in two to three days.

When pears are golden yellow, they are at their ripest, juiciest, most flavorful stage.

Depending on their ripeness, pears can be stored in the refrigerator for almost a week.

A slightly underripe pear is perfect for poaching or baking. An overripe pear can be used as the base for a blended drink.

Toss sliced pears with mixed greens and your favorite vinaigrette dressing. Top with crumbled blue cheese.

To help sliced pears retain their color, dip them into a mixture of 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 cup water.

Pears are an excellent companion to a variety of cheeses including blue-veined cheeses, bries and Italian or Danish fontinas.

Use pears to make salsas and chutneys, or jellies and preserves.