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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Am told a racehorse runs faster than a robin flies.

Morris Michtom, founder of the Ideal Toy Corp., asked a favor of Theodore Roosevelt. And Roosevelt replied, “I doubt my name will mean much in your business, but you may use it if you wish.” Onto the market came the Teddy Bear. Power advertisers now think wistfully of that free name credit.

The distance between the eyes, typically, is equal to the width of one eye.

Most of the biblical horses were cavalry mounts, not beasts of burden.

Q. What’s a “dudine”?

A. Feminine of “dude” in cowboy talk.

Not every environmentalist wants to replace fossil fuel with wind power. Windmills kill countless hawks, owls and eagles. Why such keen-eyed birds fly into the blades remains unclear.

Q. When did American men first start wearing Jockey-type underwear?

A. Early 1930s. That’s when the longjohn market bottomed out. Pajamas came in around 1905. Nightgowns go back almost to hides, fur, nothing.