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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

At the market’s dairy case, the buyers who reach behind the row of front cartons to take a back carton now are reported to outnumber the front carton takers by 7-to-3.

You might enjoy this more if you check it out yourself: It takes 113 pounds of $20 bills to make $1 million.

Numerous people show their tongues when they talk. Scholars at the University of Pennsylvania dug deeply into that phenomenon in a five-year study. And they concluded: “Unconscious display of the tongue is a universal sign of aversion to social encounter.”

Computer scientists are more dependent than others on wives. They adjust less well to changes. High-tech layoffs really demoralize them. They do not have as high a suicide rate as, say, dentists (apples?) or Hungarians (oranges?), but they tend to mope a lot when they’re not working. Or so contends the top doctor in a psychiatric clinic.

Bumblebees live underground.

Chopped cabbage aged in rice wine - that was the first sauerkraut. Chinese builders of The Great Wall ate it. Tartars took it to Russia. Then sea merchants took it to Germany.