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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Tips to fight ‘Freshman 15’

Detroit Free Press

1. Treat regular exercise as a part of living, not as an add-on to fit in when it’s convenient.

2. Don’t diet. It sets you up for a negative relationship with food. Diets ultimately fail.

3. Remember all-you-can-eat does not mean you have to eat it all. In making food selections, go for variety. About half the food on your plate should be carbohydrates. You should have a small amount of protein, about the size of a deck of cards, and a small amount of fats or oils. More variety of color and texture means more nutrient density.

4. Buy snacking portions instead of big bags of chips, even though it might be more economical to buy the bigger bags. Once a bag is open, the contents are more likely to be eaten until gone. If you buy big bags, divide the contents into smaller portions with sandwich-size baggies.

5. Take a physical activity class every semester.

6. Join a dorm or intramural sports team.

7. Avoid falling into the habit of munching while studying. If you must, nibble on raw veggies, popcorn, fruit slices or other nutritious treats. Nutritious? Think high-fiber, low-sugar or natural sugars, and low fat.

8. Think ahead. If you know your floormates are ordering pizza and cake to celebrate someone’s birthday one night, go light at lunch and dinner.

9. As much as possible, get into the habit of walking or biking to class and other activities instead of relying on cars and buses. Yes, even after the snow falls.

10. Keep a daily journal of what you’re eating.

11. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. At least eight glasses a day. Avoid or limit alcoholic beverages.

12. Eat three to five times a day, on average every four hours. Include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Start with breakfast.

13. Eat enough. Cutting calories too low means you will most likely lower your metabolism and tend to not lose weight. You could also end up with an eating disorder.

14. If you really want something, have it. Otherwise, you’ll tend to take what you think you should have, eat more of that than necessary and then end up eating what you really wanted anyway.

15. Listen to your body’s signals so you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are comfortably satisfied, not stuffed. Eat slowly so you can listen for your body’s signals. Focus on the internal rather than the external.