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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

“The cutting of heads is become so much a la mode, that one is apt to feel of a morning whether their own is on their shoulders.” - Thomas Jefferson

The Spokesman-Review

Par deals almost always include an element of judgment in the bidding as well as in the play. In today’s example from the 1986 Collegiate Championships, South has to guess whether to play three no-trump or five diamonds.

As you can see, three no-trump is down on a spade lead.

In five diamonds declarer’s objective is to play trumps for only one loser. South plans to lead a club to dummy and a diamond back to the king or queen. Then, if the diamond ace is still at large, he will re-enter dummy to lead another diamond.

The relatively small risk of a club ruff must be accepted in order to maximize the chances in diamonds. However, declarer can minimize the risk in clubs by first cutting the defenders’ side-suit transportation with a heart lead at trick two.

Later, declarer leads a club to the dummy and a diamond to the king.

When this wins, declarer can re-enter dummy in clubs for another diamond lead.

Note what happens if declarer does not play hearts before the second round of clubs. Say declarer wins the spade lead, tries a club to dummy for a diamond to his king, then plays another club to dummy for a second diamond play.

East can win the diamond ace and get to West with the heart ace for a club ruff to defeat the contract.

If the opening lead had been a club, declarer should win in dummy, lead a diamond to an honor, then lead the heart queen to achieve the same position.

Bid with the aces

South holds:

♠Q J 9
♥9 7 6 4 3
♦A J 10
♣6 2
3 ♣Dbl.Pass

Answer: Jump to four hearts.

You have more points and more hearts than partner knew about when he forced you to bid at the three-level.

To bid only three hearts now would be wimpish.

Yes, you might wish for another king for this action, but trust me: You should still have enough to give game decent play.