Revenge for terrible park jobs

The website “You park like an a**hole” was created by a man who prefers to go by Andy. His noble mission: “to put an end to a**hole parking, or at least to make fun of it.” By definition Andy's website is at least half a success. It was an instant hit from its inception and has drawn national media attention for championing a brutal process of calling out anyone who parks at the expense of others.
Identify an offensive park job.
Take a notice printed from Andy’s website (preferably from a stash in the glove compartment) that reads “You park like a**hole”, and mark the box that best describes your gripe.
Place the notice under the car’s windshield.
Photograph the car and post the picture to the “you park like an a**hole” website for the Internet masses to jeer at.
Flee the scene.
Those infuriated by disrespectful park jobs but lack the gall to leave one of Andy’s notices can live vicariously through others at the website’s photo gallery. Here and on the site’s Flickr and Tumblr profiles you’ll find a plethora of photos posted by angry motorists. Some of the park jobs don’t look all that bad. Others hint at the origins of serious road rage disorders.
If you happen to find a notice under your own windshield you'll be advised to visit the website and click on the “got a notice?” link, which leads to explanations, complete with diagrams of what you did to anger a fellow parker. The next logical stop could be a visit to an area of the site lovingly dedicated to hate mail where the accused can tastefully dispute their notices.
(Avoid this area if you’re offended by profanity)
Is Andy’s website an effective deterrent to parking like a jerk? Watch KOMO news footage of people finding his notices under their windshields here.