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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Autos Bill Love

FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018

FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2018

FRIDAY, JULY 6, 2018

FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2018

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018

SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2018

Road trips ahead

Gas prices are rising again and airfare deals abound. But in spite of those realities, Americans will embark on millions of motor vehicle road trips this summer. These asphalt journeys may cover 2000, 5000, or even 7000 miles, where all-day, every-day seat duty is required.…

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MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018

More than a mechanic

As I read of ever-evolving auto technology, including mechanical, electronic and computer advancements, I think of the individuals who diagnose, repair and service those systems. The simple term “mechanic” does not adequately label these people. Today’s auto technicians, or “techs” for short, must learn and…

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TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018

The details of driving matter

There are numerous benchmarks indicating achievement in driving proficiency. Avoiding crashes is one such mark and avoiding traffic tickets is another. But meeting those basic goals does not necessarily mean that you are driving perfectly. Some accident-free drivers may have straight fenders, but are only…

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MONDAY, MAY 21, 2018

Wildlife in the roadway

I recently wrote about the rapid emergence of pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles occurring every spring. Along with that phenomenon, activity levels of deer, elk and other roaming animals rise with the warmer weather. I truly believe that instead of posting occasional “watch for deer” signs…

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MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018

The flashing yellow arrow

Flashing yellow arrows began appearing at certain intersections a few years ago. Initially, I was uncertain of their intent. Did it simply mean, as a typical yellow light indicates, that a red-light indication was imminent? If so, it might induce drivers to rush through that...

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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2018

70-degree pedestrian bloom

The first 70-degree days of 2018 occurred here last week. Sadly, it also marked a pedestrian death by way of automobile. The two events are somewhat related, with days warmer days putting people in peril as more of them venture out among motor vehicles. Worse,…

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MONDAY, APRIL 30, 2018

U turns, squeaks and rollaways

U turn anxiety is a common driver affliction, as typified by a question from reader H.A. He observed and wondered, “I was researching because I see often drivers traveling west on the NE 124th Street in Redmond stopping and making an U turn [across double-yellow…

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SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2018

Correction and comments

A correction is needed for the March 30th column, “Errors as learning tools.” The title was apropos, since I made an error in the column’s text, and I have learned to proofread more carefully as a result. When referring to a “free” left turn upon…

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A stream of auto innovation

The automobile innovation stream has flowed generously for over 100 years. It has supplied a variety of new vehicle features — many becoming new standards — some surprisingly simple. Of all the doodads offered over the years, whether simple or complex, consumer acceptance determines whether…

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Coping with roadwork

Nobody looks forward to seeing “Road Work Ahead” signs while driving. Those warnings foreshadow miles of detours, single lanes, and lowered speed limits. But even though we dislike the slowdowns that accompany them, those warning signs also represent good things in our collective future: better…

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Finally 50

I am so thankful for the annual arrival of the spring equinox. My apologies to those who love winter, but I am markedly gratified when we experience the first 50-degree-plus temperatures accompanying the advent of spring, leaving the snow and ice behind. The satisfaction of…

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Errors as learning tools

During driving, driving errors occur. Please tolerate other’s mistakes, but don’t tolerate your own. If you are lucky enough to live through their mistakes, you should learn from them. If another driver commits an infraction of driving’s formal rules or informal etiquette, give them consideration,...

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Time issues

Many of our driving frustrations involve time and our real or perceived lack of it. When drivers express displeasure with others’ driving behavior, it’s often because they are unfairly, illegally, or unnecessarily detaining us. Whether the irritation stems from slow vehicles detaining long strings of…

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Precision driving pays off

Precision driving requires that drivers understand their vehicles, know the rules of the road and continually hone their driving skills. Good things happen, or at least bad things are less likely to, when we adhere to those basics while operating our vehicles. Given the principles…

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Too dark for comfort

Application of sun screening material to motor vehicle windows is a large business. The popularity of the concept has many vehicles coming directly from the manufacturer with this option chosen for the side and rear glass. Also, leaving open the potential for non-compliance, tinting is...

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SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 2018

Cameras finally mandatory

An iconic quote attributed to exotic car builder, Enzo Ferrari, asserts, “What’s behind you doesn’t matter.” Ferrari’s quote is a reference to going ever fast and forward, but no automaker would utter those words today. It turns out that what’s behind you matters very much...

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FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 2018

The dread of drowsiness

We can drive in any state in America, but should avoid driving in the state of drowsiness. Drowsiness holds its own when compared to drunkenness and distraction as a cause of motor vehicle accidents. In fact, drowsy drivers are responsible for as much death, injury…

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MONDAY, FEB. 12, 2018

Staying in charge

In a conversation the other day, T.H. told me that her relatively new battery sometimes fails to start her car. That likely happens because her trips are too short to fully charge a semi-drained battery. Today’s vehicles draw some battery power for computers even when…

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MONDAY, FEB. 5, 2018

It's showtime

Each February in Spokane, potential buyers, car buffs and those simply seeking that new car smell are lured to the Spokane County Fair and Expo center. There, they’ll get to view, sit in and drive new vehicles from American and foreign manufacturers. A year of…

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