State officials are serious about not letting this year's legislative session run as long as last year's record-long, 118-day marathon _ so serious that Gov. Dirk Kempthorne has decided to do away with the traditional two opening speeches of the session, the State of the State and the budget address, and combine them into one. The governor cited the fact that the budget is the main issue in the state anyway, plus described the move as a "gesture to economy."
“Last year, we took the time necessary to do what was right for the State of Idaho,” Kempthorne said. “Combining the two speeches gives the Legislature a two-day head start on their business this year.”
So the governor will spill his whole agenda for the session - numbers and all - in a State of the State address Monday night to a joint session of the Legislature. Idaho Public Television will broadcast the speech statewide at 7 p.m.
News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.