‘Rank and homophobic hypocrisy’?
The executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Matt Foreman, is accusing Senate Republican leaders of hypocrisy for calling for an ethics investigation into Sen. Larry Craig’s arrest and guilty plea in a restroom sex-solicitation scandal, but not doing the same for Sen. David Vitter, R-La., who admitted to “a very serious sin in my past” after he was linked to a female escort service operated by the so-called “D.C. Madam.” Foreman said Vitter even got big applause from his fellow Senate Republicans during a policy lunch a few days after his admission.
“Let’s see – one Republican senator is involved in soliciting sex from a man and the Republican leadership calls for a Senate investigation and yanks the rug from underneath him,” Foreman said in a statement. “Another Republican senator admits to soliciting the services of a female prostitute and there’s not only no investigation but the senator is greeted with a standing ovation by his Republican peers. What explains the starkly different responses? I’d say rank and homophobic hypocrisy.”