It’ll cost less to hunt wolves
The Senate Resources Committee today agreed to introduce legislation from the Fish and Game Department setting up a program to allow hunting of wolves in Idaho once the animal is removed from the federal endangered species list, reports S-R reporter Parker Howell. But the Fish and Game Commission’s earlier decision to charge $26.50 for a wolf tag for an Idaho resident has been modified; now the price is $9.75.
The reason: Commissioners had planned to raise tag prices for mountain lions and bears back up to $26.50, their former level before those tag prices were lowered a few years back, and then charge the same for tags for all three types of predators. But the commission didn’t end up lowering the lion and bear tags, so it asked lawmakers to set the wolf tag price at $9.75, the same as the lions and bears. Non-resident tags would be $150. The legislation also legalizes wolf hunting for the first time in Idaho under the regulation of the Fish and Game Department, once wolves are no longer listed as endangered.