Just to be on the safe side…
At Jim Risch’s announcement for the Senate today, he listed off some big names who are heading up portions of his campaign, starting with former Gov. Phil Batt and U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, who will be the co-chairmen. Risch said his North Idaho chairwoman will be Louise Shadduck, his Magic Valley chief will be Con Paulos, and his eastern Idaho chairman will be Mark Ricks, whom Risch appointed as lieutenant governor when he stepped up from that post to serve as Idaho’s governor for seven months. Risch called Ricks “probably the second-best lieutenant governor that this state has ever had,” and drew a big laugh.
Then, as he was introducing various local county chairs for his campaign, he turned around and spotted a late arrival standing behind him: Gov. Butch Otter. Risch quipped, “You know, I am not going to make the same comment about him being the second-best governor, because he MAY have to make an appointment.”