SB 1184, the school reform bill now being read in full in the House, calls for phasing in new laptop computers or other mobile computing devices for every Idaho high school student, with the first set going to teachers; diverting school district funds to online…
The full reading of SB 1184 in the House has hit page 13 of the 24-page bill; after 35 minutes, it's just over halfway read. Among the scintillating phrases read so far: "Determine the administrative staff allowance by multiplying the 43 support units by .075;…
House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, has objected to waiving the full reading of SB 1184, the school reform bill to shift salary funds to technology purchases, have school districts pay for online courses, fund a new teacher merit-pay bonus plan from salary-based apportionment funds…
They won't ban drivers who text And health care reform makes them vexed. Their right is to farm Their students they arm Your budget is what they'll cut next. Objections don't stick in their throats Nor loss after loss get their goats Rather than cut…
House Speaker Lawerence Denney says he's no longer looking at a Saturday session in the House this weekend. "I don't think we are," he said. Added Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, "I think we're caught up pretty well." Even if the House is forced…
In honor of April Fools Day and the 82nd day of this year's legislative session, I humbly offer my first legislative limerick of the year: While one side is slowing it down The other just wants to leave town. So read all the bills 'Til…