House Ed opens hearing in smaller room

House Education Committee Chairman Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, has opened this morning's committee meeting back in the committee's usual meeting room in the House wing, rather than in the much larger Capitol Auditorium. In the past two days of meeting there, Nonini said, the committee heard "good testimony." He said, "I'm glad we were able to get through all that in the couple of days we spent down there." Today, he said, the committee will hear from stakeholders, beginning with Jason Hancock, aide to state schools Supt. Tom Luna, who is starting by going through provisions of SB 1108 and SB 1110, the teacher contract bill and the teacher merit-pay bill. "I'd like to get through both of these bills this morning," Nonini said. "My intentions would be before we adjourn this morning to have a committee vote on those two bills."