Video francise bill fails - again
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Public-access TV proponents were the mouse that roared Thursday in the House State Affairs Committee, where they helped scuttle a bill aimed at revamping how video franchises are handed out in Idaho. Telecom giant Qwest Communications has all session sought to convince lawmakers to allow it to get a franchise for new video services through the state, instead of from local governments. As more states shift oversight of cable TV to state government, much of Qwest's territory hasn't followed suit — to the Denver-based company's chagrin. Qwest had Department of Labor director Roger Madsen in its corner, calling this a competition-boosting "jobs bill." But southwestern Idaho-based Treasure Valley Community Television argued these corporate-driven changes would likely doom it to obscure, difficult-to-find channels "down in the 400s," chasing off their viewers.