Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, has taken over the reading of SB 1108; he picked up from House Chief Clerk Bonnie Alexander in the middle of page 7 of the 25-page bill. Nonini is the House sponsor of the bill, and of SB 1110, the…
House Chief Clerk Bonnie Alexander is reading the full text of SB 1108, which is 25 pages long. She's reading quickly and quietly, and so far is on page 4.
As soon as Rep. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, asked to waive full reading of SB 1108, the teacher contracts bill, House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, objected. The full reading of the lengthy bill has now begun.
The Idaho House has convened, and is going through its formalities before reaching its 3rd Reading Calendar, on which first up are SB 1108, the teacher contracts bill, and SB 1110, the teacher merit pay bill. Today's debate on the two bills is expected to…
JFAC has voted 17-3 in favor of Rep. Jim Patrick's budget proposal for the Idaho Department of Water Resources, rejecting the deeper cuts proposed by Rep. John Vander Woude, R-Nampa.
Rep. John Vander Woude, R-Nampa, said he thinks his proposal for deeper cuts at the Idaho Department of Water Resources would be offset if two fee-increase measures that already have passed the House become law. "We can't sit here and pretend that the right hand…
Rep. John Vander Woude, R-Nampa, has proposed additional cuts to the Idaho Department of Water Resources to match JFAC targets, even though the cuts would have such drastic impacts at IDWR as causing it to reduce well monitoring, cease work on creating water management districts…
Budget-setting has started this morning for the state Parks Department, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and several smaller agencies. Parks have been particularly hard-hit by budget cuts in recent years, and the proposal put together by a group of JFAC members for next year…
As the House prepares for a showdown on school reform - the debate over SB 1108, the teacher contract bill, and SB 1110, the teacher merit pay bill, both of which are up for final passage - Idaho Statesman reporter Dan Popkey reports on a…
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Industry representatives convinced a Senate committee to approve new water-quality rules over objections from environmentalists who insist the measures aren't strict enough. Republicans on the Senate Resource and Environment Committee voted 7-2 on…
HB 221, the bill to cut $39 million from Idaho's state Medicaid spending next year - giving up $81 million in federal matching funds as well, for a total cut in services of $120 million - is up for a public hearing tomorrow at 1:30…
Preliminary state revenue figures for February show a startling $45.5 percent jump ahead of projections, but roughly $40 million of that may just be the result of a processing error at the state Tax Commission - meaning individual tax refunds that should have been processed…
When the Idaho House takes up two of state schools Supt. Tom Luna's reform bills tomorrow morning, House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, said, "Frankly, we're going to object strongly, within the tools we have, because it's bad policy and it's bad fiscal policy." The…
Scammers from Canada have been targeting Idaho seniors, posing as grandchildren who have run into trouble while abroad and need money wired right away; three Idaho families have fallen for the scam in the past two weeks, the Idaho Attorney General's office reports, and lost…
The House is now adjourning until tomorrow, and has agreed to hold all remaining bills on its 3rd Reading Calendar for one legislative day. The next one up: SB 1108, the teacher contracts bill, followed by SB 1110, the teacher pay-for-performance bill. Those two measures…
HB 197, legislation to strip "grandfathered" status from four school districts that got little state funding in 2006 when the state shifted basic school funding off the property tax, has passed the House on a 53-14 vote. Rep. Ken Roberts, R-Donnelly, said, "This is an…
The House is now debating HB 197, legislation from Rep. Dennis Lake, R-Blackfoot, to undo a 2006 state promise to four school districts that, at the time, received very little state funding because they collected so much comparatively in local property taxes. Those four districts,…
The House has voted 51-17 in favor of HB 187, the "narrow" amendment to Idaho's "conscience law" regarding living wills. Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, speaking against the bill, told the House, "Think about how your own parents would have approached this. Would they like to…
The House was set at ease mid-debate on HB 187, after Rep. Erik Simpson, R-Idaho Falls, questioned whether Rep. Grant Burgoyne, D-Boise, really was told by his physician, as he told the House, that the physician wouldn't honor his living will. Burgoyne asked, "Is my…
The House is debating HB 187, the "narrow" amendment to Idaho's conscience law regarding living wills. House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, moved to send the bill to the amending order to add four words - "other health care providers." He said, "There are many…
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A measure that would allow school buses to sport corporate logos and ads is heading to the House for approval. The House Education Committee signed off Monday on a bill that would allow…
House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, said it's unlikely the House will get to votes today on SB 1108 and SB 1110, the teacher contracts bill and the teacher pay for performance bill that are part of state schools Supt. Tom Luna's school reform package…
For the state Department of Commerce, JFAC has set a budget that cuts general funds by 5.1 percent, but reflects a slight increase in overall funds of 0.1 percent from this year's level. It includes spending authority for the department's business and jobs development fund,…
Legislative budget writers have voted to set a budget for the Idaho Transportation Department for next year that would rise by a total of 16.3 percent; ITD gets no state general funds, instead relying on federal funds and dedicated funds that come from fees and…
JFAC has voted to set a budget for the state's Department of Correction next year, including the state prison system, probation and parole, that increases state funds by 5.3 percent and hikes overall spending by 4.1 percent, but still falls $2.6 million short of estimates…