Idaho Supreme Court Justice Warren Jones said the court's job is just to decide if a redistricting plan is constitutional. "It's not our job to decide which is the better plan, is it?" he asked Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs. Loebs agreed.
Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs, who submitted his own proposed redistricting plan as part of a challenge to the Idaho's new legislative district plan, L-87, said, "I don't think you can adopt my plan, and I'm not asking the court to do that." He…
Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs told the Idaho Supreme Court this afternoon, "You may not divide counties unless you must do so to satisfy the United States Constitution." Twin Falls is leading a group of counties that's challenging the state's new legislative redistricting plan,…
Here's a link to my full story at on how Idaho legislative leaders, from both parties, now say they're ready to strengthen the state's ethics laws. Among the proposals: Creating an independent state ethics commission, something 41 states have, but Idaho lacks.
Alex LaBeau, head of the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, said it's difficult for private businesses involved in different aspects of health care to agree on many issues, but they agree that "yes, the state should have a state-run exchange." He said, "We have…
Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri declared, "This health care mandate is not good for the nation. It's socialism. ... A socialist America is a broken America." Speaking on a panel about a proposed state health insurance exchange at the AP Legislative Preview today, Barbieri said, "It's…
Idaho state Insurance Director Bill Deal says even if the U.S. Supreme Court rules the federal health care reform legislation unconstitutional, the state health insurance exchange that Idaho has in the works still could serve Idaho citizens and help them shop for the most affordable…
Senate Minority Leader Edgar Malepeai said, "This is not a time for us to play the politics, it's a time for us to look at what's best for Idahoans." Yet, it's also a year in which every seat in the Legislature is up for election,…
If Idaho's going to consider raising its cigarette tax, which is among the lowest in the nation, House Speaker Lawerence Denney said, the state also should address sales on Indian reservations in the state and sales over the Internet. House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston,…
Both Senate Minority Leader Edgar Malepeai and House Minority Leader John Rusche are calling for new ethics laws this year, and House Speaker Lawerence Denney indicated he's interested, too. "Throughout the year we've seen behavior that is unbecoming of public servants," Malepeai declared, saying Democratic…
Idaho Senate President Pro-Tem Brent Hill told reporters at the AP Legislative Preview today, "I think it's going to be a good session, for several reasons - one, the economy is improving." Second, he said, in this second year of the electoral cycle, lawmakers know…
Asked about possible legislation regarding the state Land Board and endowment investments that compete with private business, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter said, "If the effort is to limit, then I think you've got to change the Constitution." The Constitution requires endowment lands to be managed…
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter says it's his "obligation" to inform lawmakers of the consequences if they don't move to set up a state-run health insurance exchange - including the possibility that the state could lose $300 million in Medicaid funds. "This is a big deal,"…
Gov. Butch Otter reaffirmed his support today for the "Students Come First" school reforms, which shift funds from salaries to technology boosts and make other changes, including removing many of teachers' collective bargaining rights. "I know they're going to be on the ballot this year,…
Gov. Butch Otter, responding to questions from reporters at today's AP Legislative Preview, was asked about proposed legislation to ban cities and counties from regulating gas well production. "We do see that as a state resource," he said. "But I don't think we want to…
Asked about why he spoke, in his opening comments today, about tax relief but didn't mention restoring cuts to education - something he's long said would be top priority when state revenues improve - Idaho Gov. Butch Otter said he'll address that in his State…
Asked why he chose to announce at a North Idaho fundraiser last month that he'll run for a third term as governor in 2014 - just one year into his current second term - Gov. Butch Otter said, "I didn't choose to make the announcement…
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter just told reporters that if Idaho fails to set up a state health insurance exchange, its Medicaid matching rate could switch from the current 70-30 federal-state match to 50-50. The cost of that, he said, would be "upwards of $300 million."
Asked by reporters about proposals for a cigarette tax increase, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter told reporters at the AP Legislative Preview this morning that he doesn't favor general tax increases, and would look only at those that are tied to a specific need. "We didn't…
Gov. Butch Otter is addressing the AP Legislative Preview now, and he started off with a warning that he doesn't view the state budget picture as being as "robust" as he'd hoped. "Less income has been realized in the sales tax area, which is the…
Today's hearings by the Legislature's Economic Outlook & Revenue Assessment Committee are being streamed live online, courtesy of Idaho Public Television; you can watch live here. Also today, the 2 p.m. hearing at the Idaho Supreme Court on Twin Falls County's challenge to the new…
With Idaho's 2012 legislative session looming, lawmakers on the joint Economic Outlook & Revenue Assessment Committee convened this morning for a day and a half of hearings on the economy and likely tax revenues for the state and the nation. "The bottom line is that…
Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri, R-Dalton Gardens, who unsuccessfully pushed legislation last year to "nullify" the federal health care reform law, now says he's leaning toward holding off on another similar push this year. Barbieri said he's being encouraged to propose the legislation again to take…
The Associated Press today reports a new wrinkle in the controversy over state Treasurer Ron Crane using a state gas card to gas up his personal vehicle for his commutes from Canyon County to the state Capitol: Other state employees who are reimbursed for commuting…
With Bogus Basin still closed and its skiers out of luck, Brundage Mountain is reaching out: The McCall ski resort is offering a special deal to Bogus season passholders, starting Thursday: $25 weekday lift tickets (non-holiday), down from the usual $55, and $35 on weekends…