On tonight's "Idaho Reports," I join BSU political scientist emeritus Jim Weatherby, AP reporter Jessie Bonner and host Greg Hahn to discuss the events of this first week of the Legislature, from school funding to ethics; the hour-long program also features Hahn's interview with three…
Click below to read AP reporter John Miller's full story on today's tit-for-tat over ethics among Republicans and Democrats, as they move haltingly toward a bipartisan effort to craft a bill setting up Idaho's first independent state ethics commission. The bipartisan House-Senate working group that…
House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, had this response to Speaker Lawerence Denney's statement today about Democrats' rhetoric on ethics: "My response to that is that if there are things that we are doing that impact people's confidence in government, we should be called to…
Idaho House Speaker Lawerence Denney is lashing back at some Democrats who have been criticizing what they call a "culture of corruption" among Republican officials, saying some Democratic lawmakers, too, have stepped across ethical lines. "Both sides – Republicans and Democrats – make mistakes or…
Looking ahead to the November 2012 general election, Secretary of State Ben Ysursa said there will be three referenda on the ballot on the "Students Come First" school reform plan. "Folks should remember that a 'yes' vote would be in favor of the legislation that…
Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa, making his budget pitch to lawmakers this morning, said, "I do find it rather disconcerting that we're here on Friday the 13th." He noted that his office is requesting a supplemental appropriation for $200,000, "for a public information campaign,…
State Controller Donna Jones says her office needs a $245,000 budget increase in general funds for computer services for the statewide accounting system, and needs it badly. The accounting system had an operating deficiency last year, and she shifted funds from personnel savings, she said…
Responding to questions from JFAC members, legislative services chief Jeff Youtz said, "All the bill drafters are attorneys, with the exception of Mike Nugent, who is a walking encyclopedia." Youtz said after 34 legislative sessions, law school would probably be a waste of time for…
Idaho Legislative Services Director Jeff Youtz is making his budget presentation to lawmakers this morning. He said the Legislature's nonpartisan staff is down to 62 positions, from its high a few years ago of 69; there are 64 authorized positions, "but I can only afford…
Here's a link to my full story at spokesman.com about the agreement announced yesterday between legislative Democrats and Republicans to work together on a bipartisan bill to set up a new, independent state ethics commission. That came as the Dems unveiled their initial draft of…