House honors retiring Idaho Public TV chief Peter Morrill
The House this morning is honoring Peter Morrill, the retiring general manager of Idaho Public Television. “There are just a few things in this vast state of ours that tie us together,” said Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, a co-sponsor of the proclamation, HP 1, along with House Speaker Scott Bedke, Senate President Pro-Tem Brent Hill, and Senate Minority Leader Michelle Stennett. “Certainly the Snake River, famous potatoes on our license plate, Highway 95, and Idaho Public Television.” He said, “This proclamation recognizes the heart and driving force for Idaho Public Television, Peter Morrill, on his retirement after a 34-year career with Idaho Public Television.”
The proclamation, approved by a unanimous voice vote, notes that under Morrill’s leadership, Idaho Public TV has become the No. 1 most-watched PBS station in the nation; Morrill also spearheaded the Internet streaming that’s brought the proceedings of the Legislature and its committees live to citizens across the state.
Morrill was in the House gallery this morning; after the proclamation was approved, the House honored him with a standing ovation. Bedke, drawing laughter, told him, “Mr. Morrill, thank you for all that you’ve done. You can’t leave unless you pick a good replacement.”
The resolution says in part, “We recognize, honor and commend PeterMorrill for his years of service to Idaho Public Television as well as his positive contributions to the Idaho Legislature and to the citizens of Idaho,and we wish him well in retirement.”