Idaho Gov. Butch Otter told the crowd at the Republican Party election night watch party that he was reluctant to give a victory speech because he hadn’t yet received a concession call from losing candidates A.J. Balukoff and John Bujak, but he wanted to take…
Democratic candidate for governor A.J. Balukoff, while not ready to concede the race, said whether or not he wins, “It was worth it – we’ve been able to change the conversation. We’ve raised education to a good level of discussion. I feel great about what…
The Associated Press has called the race for Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, with only a third of the votes counted, saying he’s won a rare third term as Idaho’s governor. Democratic challenger A.J. Balukoff said, “It’s still early in my mind – I’m going to…
Sherri Ybarra, the Republican candidate for state schools superintendent, is trailing Democrat Jana Jones in a close race right now, but it’s early. “I’m feeling good,” Ybarra said at the Idaho GOP state election night party, where she was joined by her family, including son…
The Associated Press has called Idaho’s U.S. Senate race for Republican incumbent Jim Risch, based on the early results; at this point, with 19 percent of the vote counted, Risch had 61.5 percent to 38.5 percent for Democratic challenger Nels Mitchell. Mitchell, who was with…
We’ve got some close races going in Idaho tonight. With 152 of the state’s 965 precincts reporting, Republican Lawerence Denney is barely leading Democrat Holli Woodings for Idaho Secretary of State, 52.1 percent to 47.9 percent; and Democratic candidate for state schools superintendent Jana Jones…
The Idaho Secretary of State's office will be posting unofficial election results online here throughout the evening - but not until the polls close, meaning all the polls in Idaho. North Idaho's polls close an hour later due to the time-zone difference, so look for…
I spotted this jack-o-lantern with a timely message - VOTE - on Harrison Boulevard today. There's still more than an hour to vote in southern Idaho (the Mountain time zone), and more than two hours in North Idaho, which is on Pacific time. Polls close…
Problems in Kootenai County - the state's third-most-populous county - could delay election results tonight. In the primary election in May, Kootenai County had virtually no results until after midnight. This time, the county's chief deputy clerk, Pat Raffee, sent out a news release in…
In this AP photo by Idaho Statesman photographer Katherine Jones, Larry Breach puts on an "I Voted" sticker on his shirt after voting at the West Emmett precinct at the Gem County Fairgrounds. Breach said he votes in nearly every election. "I've missed one since…
Today is the day – time for everyone to go vote! At my polling place in North Boise this morning, poll workers reported a steady stream of voters, running well ahead of turnout in the last mid-term election four years ago, though not approaching the…
Looking for info on the candidates and issues ahead of tomorrow’s general election? Here are links to stories I’ve done this fall on the major statewide races: The governor’s race here; the race for state superintendent of schools here; the Idaho Secretary of State race…
Sherri Ybarra, the GOP candidate for state superintendent of schools, announced on Oct. 9 she was launching a campaign catchphrase contest, in search of a slogan that would fit on magnets, stickers or bumper stickers. Now, Idaho Education News has an update on the contest:…
Idaho high school government students participating in the Idaho Mock Student Election were deeply divided in the race for governor, but they gave the edge to GOP Gov. Butch Otter, with 679 votes to Democrat A.J. Balukoff’s 617 votes. Libertarian John Bujak trailed with 131…
The final round of the “Idaho Debates” last night featured 2nd District GOP Congressman Mike Simpson debating Democratic challenger Richard Stallings, a former 2nd District congressman. The two clashed repeatedly on everything from wilderness to immigration reform to taxes. Stallings said, “This is the worst…