Big crowd pans tiered licensing plan at state Board of Ed hearing
About 250 people, including educators, administrators and parents, packed the cafeteria at Meridian’s Mountain View High School last night for a raucous State Board of Education hearing on a tiered licensure plan for teachers – and no one testified in favor of the proposal, Idaho Education News reports. Even Rep. Lance Clow, R-Twin Falls, a House Education Committee member, used his testimony to suggest technical changes, writes EdNews reporter Kevin Richert.
Opponent after opponent urged the State Board to start over, scrapping the plan entirely. ”There are just too many variables for the state to start another initiative,” Weiser School District Superintendent Wil Overgaard said. “Slow down and get it right.”
The state board will take the next 30 to 60 days reviewing public comments and will decide how to adjust the plan, state board member Rod Lewis said after the three-hour hearing. He told EdNews he still expects a plan to come before the 2015 Legislature, but he expects some adjustments; Richert’s full report is online here.