Rep. Ryan Kerby, R-New Plymouth, who was among the nine votes to table SB 1067, the child support enforcement bill, on the final day of this year’s legislative session, confirms that he and several others have signed off on proposed amendments to...
In an April 27 letter to Gov. Butch Otter, House Speaker Scott Bedke writes that he has worked with four of the House committee members who voted to kill SB 1067, the child support enforcement bill, on the final day of the legislative session, along...
Here’s a link to my full story at on Gov. Butch Otter calling a special session of the Legislature to address the crisis in Idaho’s child support enforcement system, the first since special session of his three terms as governor. “There is no alternative,”...
Asked his message to the families whose child support payments are at risk if the special session isn’t successful, Gov. Butch Otter said, “My message to them is: Pray for success. We can use all the help that we can get.” He said, “I expect...
Asked if he believes he has enough votes to pass a new version of SB 1067, the House-rejected child support enforcement bill, Gov. Butch Otter said, “Well, I would say: Yes. I am confident. We were in hopes that we could pass out a draft...
Gov. Butch Otter is calling a special session of the Idaho Legislature for May 18 to address the state’s child support enforcement system. “We spent the last 18 days working very hard to come to some sort of resolution for the unfinished work” of this...
Here’s the section of the Idaho Constitution – Article IV, Section 9 – that empowers the governor to call special sessions of the Legislature, and limit what can be considered at the special session: ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Section 9. EXTRA SESSIONS OF LEGISLATURE. The…