House, Senate convene
Both the House and Senate have now convened for their special legislative session today. Though the House Ways & Means Committee isn’t scheduled to meet to consider introducing the new version of the child-support bill until 9 a.m., it may start earlier than that, as the schedule is for 9 a.m. or at the call of the chair.
In the Senate this morning, the invocation was given by Sen. Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, and Sen. Maryanne Jordan, D-Boise, led the pledge of allegiance. The Senate’s roll call reflected 34 senators present, with the exception being Sen. Steve Vick, R-Dalton Gardens. Vick has appointed Brent Regan to be his sub for today’s special session, who then was sworn in and added to the roll call. In the House, there are three subs: Gayanne DeMordaunt for Rep. Reed DeMordaunt, R-Eagle; Dawn King for Rep. John Gannon, R-Boise; and Laird Stone for Rep. Lance Clow, R-Twin Falls.
“Welcome back to the family reunion,” House Chaplain Tom Dougherty told the House as he opened his House invocation, drawing some laughter.