Rep. Labrador signs on for official role in Rand Paul’s presidential campaign
Rand Paul’s 2016 presidential campaign today named Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador to an official role with the campaign, as western states co-chairman. “In this role, Congressman Labrador will provide the campaign with important insights from grassroots leaders,” the campaign said in a statement.
Paul said, "Congressman Labrador is a staunch defender of our Constitution and since taking office, he has fought for fiscal responsibility, regulatory restraint and individual liberties. Raúl has lived all across the western part of the country, and I am honored to have his support as the Western States Co-Chairman of Rand Paul for President."
I requested the names of the other western states co-chairmen, and got this response from Paul’s campaign press secretary, Eleanor May: “We have not announced that yet. Rep. Labrador is first.”
The campaign statement included this comment from Labrador: "I traveled from San Juan to Las Vegas with my mother at age 13 in the pursuit of the American dream. Through hard work and perseverance, I was able to succeed. But I fear that the American dream is becoming a myth in the eyes of many. We need a leader who will unleash the American dream by restoring fiscal sanity, limiting the powers of our federal government, and reviving our constitutional rights. I believe Rand Paul is that kind of leader, and I am proud to stand with him as seeks to become president of the United States."
Labrador told KID Radio in Idaho Falls this morning that while he believes there are many good candidates, “I think Rand Paul is the one who has the best opportunity to bring the Republican conservative perspective to new people.”
Late this afternoon, Paul sent out this additional comment: "While we anticipate support from many members of Congress, Congressman Labrador will be one of the most active and hands-on members. His knowledge and expertise will be unmatched when it comes to competing for western states. He's a vital part of our team and he's our top leader in the Western U.S."