ISU speaks out against anti-Muslim DVDs distributed on campus
Here’s a news item from the Associated Press: POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) — Idaho State University officials say the person who distributed DVDs containing anti-Muslim propaganda on campus was someone from outside the area and not connected to the school. The Idaho State Journal reports ( ) the DVDs were placed on car windshields and around housing areas Monday. University spokesman Stuart Summers says federal authorities have been alerted to the incident because hate messages were involved. The incident comes weeks after the New York Times published an article featuring Middle Eastern students at ISU, who complained of discrimination on campus and in the Pocatello community. Dave Finkelnburg with the group 2Great4Hate says the hate messages distributed Monday have hurt innocent individuals and eroded their sense of security. ISU posted a statement on Facebook saying it doesn't condone the incident and stands against intolerance.
You can read the March 21 New York Times story here.