Wild Card for Thursday, April 17th, 2008
Good morning, Netizens...
Come in, come in, have a seat at the Community Comment virtual coffee shop. This morning in our virtual menu we have homemade flapjacks, homemade sausages, eggs from ecstatically-happy hens, pan-fried potatoes and sweet muffins for all. Oh, yes, and even the robin exploiting the lawn outside Community Comment's front door gets a little bit to eat, as well.
Did I mention our espresso bar is open? This morning's special blend is la Boombaboomba, an eccentric but titillating blend of espresso beans from far-off places guaranteed to put new polish on your chrome headdress.
So, everyone gets fed from the virtual diner or as Jeanie, our Queen of the Airwaves stated it so eloquently, "we need to wipe our feet, wash our hands and play nice".
And thus there is your morning wild card.