Formatting issues in new Blogs…
Good morning, Netizens...
Here is a brief update to various tricks to using the new web format for the Blogs.
First, if you have not done so go to your favorite blog and at the top of the screen you should see a button that says create a user profile. Click that, and fill out the friendly form. Remember, you must provide the Spokesman with a valid e-mail address; otherwise this will create errors and your application for a user profile will fall flat on its abundant backside.
You can edit/choose a picture to represent you online while you are there, but it is not necessary. Click submit/save at the bottom.
Then wait for the e-mail message that confirms your identity. You have to answer that message by clicking on the link which takes you back to the blog, and you are once more logged in as yourselves.
OK, logged in? Does it say welcome (user name) at the top. Then you're ready to begin banging on the keyboards once again.
Two: Since many of you like to use bold,italics, and underscore in your messages, here is a quick tip. If you create a message offline using something like Microsoft Word or Open Office (both work well) go ahead and create a post using the bold, italics and underscore formatting the external processor provides you with. (Such as Control-B, Control-I or Control U hot keys) Apparently this may or may not work when commenting to a post. If it doesn't work, please let me know. I'll get it fixed right away.
Cut and paste your message to the Blog and the formatting will appear and function. Remember: this is a short-term “fix” since there are buttons present on the message creation page, but no glyphs to explain what services they serve. If you hold your mouse over one of the blue on white boxes atop the message creation screen, it will tell you what each button does. The glyphs are coming!
That is the best I know at the present.