Peace and Good Will, Just for December 25?
Here’s the question. Is the season of Christmas the only time we feel nice towards each other? Do we need a holiday (like Easter) to generate kindness?
Diana on December 24 at 9:05 a.m.
On which day can we resume complaining about not getting the proper snow removal we pay for with our hard-earned tax dollars? I like the idea of pretending everything's okay. It's kind of like having imaginary friends, the kind that never hurt you or do anything wrong!
Does the season of peace and happiness end on Dec. 26? When did it start? Please fill me in.
hmmm, Diana - really good point there. It's like the radio station I listen to. It's my favorite station. John Tesh is on in the evenings and I like his tips on living a good life. But this year the station started playing Christmas music the 15th of November. 24 hours a day. And I thought to myself, aaaack, I'll get some kind of tick in my right eye if I listen to Christmas music 24 hours a day for 45 days. I love Christmas music - but for far less time. The down side of all of this is that I get into it and really enjoy it, especially right now. And you know what? The day after Christmas, precisely at midnight, the Christmas music will abrubtly stop. Somehow that just isn't right - I mean, they got me in there, hooked me with bells and jingles and silent nghts and then they drop me cold turkey! I think there should be a few days of lingering withdrawal Christmas music. Maybe one song every half hour the first day after Christmas, decreasing through New Year's. And THEN they can call it quits.