The Kings of the Earth Rise Up…

Good morning, Netizens...
"The Kings of the Earth rise up, and the rulers take council together..." Handel's Messiah
The news from the Gaza Strip, like nearly every war that is actively being fought around the world, keeps getting worse and worse. According to AP, at least 315 are dead and 1400 wounded, as the Hamas-led Palestinians lobbed at least forty missiles into Israel, and Israel retaliated with their superior bombs, missiles and now Israeli tanks are massing at the borders between the two warring countries.
As in many similar wars, the forces of Mother Nature may come to play a minor fugue or two, as today the weather forecast in the Middle East is for rain, which according to several military authorities, would impair the Israeli air force's ability to operate over Gaza and could pave the way for Hamas to escalate the rocket fire into Israel. The non-stop bombing of Gaza, officials said, made it difficult for Hamas to set up and fire the launchers.
The battle rages onward unabated.
What truly is both frightening and somewhat predictable is that while the entire world sits ensconced firmly upon their opinions watching the bloodshed and filing diplomatic protestations, it is entirely possible that others in the Islamic world are taking advantage of the situation to continue developing atomic weapons. After all, when everyone is distracted by open warfare and bloodshed, what better time is there to develop better weapons for mass destruction? It is a macabre world that defines progress as being able to develop better weapons to kill people, but it does seem to be the world we live in, does it not?
Of course, never one to sit on the sidelines, Iran is eagerly feeding the flames of the war between Hamas-controlled Gaze and Israel. That, too, works to their advantage, so long as they do not get their hands dirty enough that later on, they can say unequivocally they had nothing to do with the war in Gaza, and thus perhaps sell that party line to Obama as he takes office in January.
What do you believe will be the outcome of the war in Gaza? Do you want peace in the Middle East?