Remembering others…
Good morning, Netizens...
Today is the beginning of the Salvation Army's traditional holiday funding drive.
Yes, it's that time of year again, and as the Season of Giving inexorably begins creeping upon us all, the Salvation Army's Red Kettles begin appearing in front of area stores and shops. This year, however, in some areas of the United States, it is as much a season of change as giving, as The Salvation Army has begun experimenting with what they call a plastic alternative for folks who don't have cash to toss in a red Salvation Army kettle.
This season, five bell-ringers in El Paso County, Colo., will be the first to accept debit and credit cards along with spare change and bills. Salvation Army officials say the kettle tradition needs to be tweaked as consumers increasingly carry only plastic.
Bell ringers are giving the credit card-kettles mixed reviews. But some shoppers who saw the new kettles liked them, saying they've walked past kettles in the past and wanted to donate but had no cash.
Another change this year, what makes this year different from other years that have preceded it, is that some of the same people who would drop money in the big red kettles in front of area stores are now finding themselves so strapped for cash, they are forced to ask for help from the Salvation Army and other area non-profits.
However, you do not need to travel to Colorado to use your credit or debit card to help others less fortunate as we approach Christmas. To make a gift by credit card, please call toll free 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769).