Right Wing Radio…
Good morning, Netizens...
Call them right-wing whack jobs, extremists or other less-exemplary bits of nomenclature, what is unavoidable in such discussions is that the ultra-conservative elements of the Republican Party have about the same rights as the Ultra-left-wing members of the Democratic party who often appear as equally nutcase loose-in-the-head as their Republican counterparts. Equally unavoidable is that the Republican Party lost the election, although not entirely due to its more ultra-conservative members.
Since somewhere between the two political sides is where I suspect most voters reside, this morning David Horsey's cartoon from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer approaches humor where perhaps none exists.
Simply because most religious broadcasts in the radio spectrum are viewed with disdain by all but their supporters, I thought we should also be fair to Old-Time Gospel music on the radio so that they can keep up with the Republicans and Democrats.
Will the Virtual Ballroom Choir please stand and sing an old-time gospel song, “Turn Your Radio On” written by Albert E. Brumley.
(the everlasting ghostly members of the choir materialize at the front of the Virtual Stage and without further improvisation, begin to sing with their reedy spectral voices.
Turn your radio on (turn your radio on)
And listen to the music in the air,
Turn your radio on (turn your radio on)
And glory to share (glory share)
Turn the lights down low (lights down low)
And listen to the Master's Radio,
Get in touch with God (get in touch with God)
Turn your radio on.
Now we will hand those of you who are so blessed with progeny back to the Saturday Morning Cartoon shows before the kids declare themselves to be a separate state of the Union.