Love and death in the desert…
Good morning, Netizens...
Tina Loesch and Skye Hanson had a pretty good run of it in a sick, demented sort of way. If half of what one surmises, reading the official releases from the Post Falls Police Department are accurate, the lesbian lovers were directly or indirectly responsible for the murder of Tina's father. Then they killed Tina's mother mother in a death-by-hot tub event, a piece of bizarre logic that nearly defies the mind since it was inevitable the truth would eventually surface. Since they had convinced the mom to buy life insurance apparently well in advance of dumping a portable TV into the hot tub, they absconded with a half-million dollars worth of life insurance money and then hid out in Arizona. For a long time nobody, not even the highly-proficient U.S. Marshall's Service knew where they were.
History: Loesch and Hanson apparently met when they were both serving time in prison, fell in love/lust while behind the bars and naturally migrated toward living together in connubial bliss once they were released. Tina's father hated her being a lesbian so much, he wrote her entirely out of his will, which perhaps set the stage for his murder. He was shot to death while delivering newspapers. That crime remains unsolved until this day.