Freedom of Speech, or is it?
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Good morning, Netizens...
This morning one of our pictures of the day takes us into a somewhat racy statement made by PETA in Moscow. Lisa Franzetta, right, and Lauren Bowey of the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), wearing only underwear and bunny ears, protest against the wearing of fur in Moscow on Monday near a monument to Karl Marx. The activists stood topless in in cool Russian weather to protest for animal rights. (November 24, 2008)
Now wait a minute! Old Karl Marx is spinning in his grave I'd bet!
Here are these two comely females parading around in a public place in the lower half of their underwear and no police officers in sight? Now what would happen if this were to take place say in Spokane, Washington, and not Moscow, Russia? Wouldn't they be subject to arrest by our enlightened gendarmes here?
Which would this be, indecent exposure or free speech? Mario Savio would have a field day with such questions, wouldn't he?