It’s Great to be Monday Because… . .
1. It's a fresh new day and a fresh new sart
2. I have a job I enjoy and I have all my ducks in a row before the boss gets here
3. I'm alive
4. I got MY parking space!
5. There were no bees in my bathtub (later on I am going to write a book entitled "Bees in my Bathtub" that will sell bundles just on its title)
6. The coffee pot was full when I arrived to work. Yes!!
7. I got all my filing done last week. Hooray!
8. I am healthy, strong, and fit.
9. I temporarily froze what little assets I have until this financial crisis is at a low roar
10. I have my slippers on under my desk (and I smile a lot) – unlike Cindy who has her slippers on in the comfort of her own home – but it's a close second pleasure.