Top Ten Reasons I’m Glad the Bail-out failed…
Top ten reasons I'm glad the financial bail-out failed
I've been waiting to see what Sarah Palin has to say on the matter. She is a wise and careful leader and certainly understands all this mess from her vast experience in Alaska, right?
The idea behind the “Adopt-A-Banker” was not that well-explained to me.
From Dick Adams I hear there were parties held at WAMU once the terms of the bail-out were announced. I would never attend such an event. Funny, but I never was invited either. Were you?
Marty's “Ladies with Guns” changed their targets on the pistol range to mortgage lenders. Did I mention I, too, like ladies with guns?
Although I can calculate the interest on a 700 Billion dollar loan, I want to know who pays if we fall behind in our payments? Who in their right mind would show up in a tow truck to repossess this mess?
Why rescue people who wear $5000 Gucci shoes? Sell the shoes and save the Universe.
It does me a world of good to see Chinese investors sweat a little.
Gee, does this mean we are going to stop giving loans to countries that potty-mouth us at every turn? Besides, the phrase “badmouth our country and no loans for you” sounds pretty good to me.
The political buzz-phrase of the last generation was “deniable plausibility”. If the bail-out ever passes, the new catch-all phrase will be “invisible culpability”
The government refuses to pay my debts, why should I forgive their stupidity?