Magic and Christmas are often the same…
Good morning, Netizens...
If you haven't been looking, it is almost Christmas, and Santa Claus has already arrived in a typical blast of public relations gusto at most malls and other public places. Yet if you peer closely at those faux Santas at the malls, through the eyes of adulthood, you will see only that – just an impersonation. Most mall Santas have fake white beards, padded outfits to make them appear rotund, and in reality they might not be as kindly as the real Santa Claus. Of course by now, being good adults, you know the legendary tale of how Santa Claus hops on his sleigh each year at Christmas Eve, making the rounds of all the good little boys and girls around the world, delivering their Christmas gifts.
In fact, you probably do not even believe there is a real Santa Claus. The Santas that appear about this time of year are, for the most part, all fakes. However, before you get all jaundiced and smile at one another with an air of superior knowledge, as if this business of the fake Santa Claus is a big, hidden secret that only adults truly understand or know about, guess again.
There are many things in our lives of which we have very little knowledge or control, things such as unavoidable accidents, matters over which we have no warning nor the ability to change. Then there is the matter of gross stupidity, because not all of us are rocket scientists despite what it suggests on our resumes. Acts of God, of course, fits in with unavoidable accidents, but if the acts are actually preordained by God, such things were not accidents, at all.
Then there is the matter of magic. No, this doesn't imply that Jeanie nor I are going to perform cheesy magic acts on Community Comment. We both have health issues that, were such a thing possible, we would unquestionably cure with just a few chosen words. You betcha!
To better answer your question about Santa Claus and magic, some have asked why Community Comment has a Virtual Ballroom and Virtual Garden where ghosts and garden gnomes abound. It is because we believe in magic.
What better method of divining who is a real Santa Claus? What better way to reinstate the miracles of Christmas that appear to have fallen on hard times in favor of materialism and greed?
Welcome to the run-up to Christmas, my friends. Some of the stories, tales and fables that will grace Community Comment until the day after Christmas may contain elements of magic, as well.