Down but not out at Christmas…
Good evening, Netizens...
By this time, almost 10 days from Christmas, if I were following my traditions of years past, I would have already begun writing about Christmas, both in fiction and comment. What I didn't count on this year is that two weeks ago I came down with bronchitis which rapidly metamorphosed into pneumonia as of last Thursday afternoon. I have been told having Type II Diabetes considerably weakens ones ability to fight off such things so I comprehend why this happened. So rather than writing about Christmas, I have been drifting in and out of consciousness on an antibiotic haze mixed with codeine and all the while still feeling the urge to tell about Christmas.
As my beloved spouse will quickly tell anyone who asks, I am not a good patient at all, as I simply do not have the patience. However, with a fever and rales in my chest that sound like a city garbage truck each week, I have been increasingly aggravated at the thought of being so ill.
However, now that I have managed to accomplish sitting upright in the Great Chair for nearly an entire work day, and because the medications I am taking have gotten my vile ailments more or less under control, I anticipate that within a day, perhaps less, I will begin writing about Christmas and once more cast my thoughts on this most sacred time of the year into the ether once again.
Of course, if Christmas is not a sacred time to you, the readers, then I apologize for having interrupted your mid-December reveries with the ramblings of an old man who remembers how it has been and hopes that they will continue to be.