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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment archive for July 2011


Heading for disaster anyone?

Good morning, Netizens... Quoting the National Journal, Congress doesn't want voters to conclude lawmakers are all "posh and shiny" and just spent their summer "ramming it to the rest of us." Oh? Given the chaos and mass pandemonium of the last few days, it certainly…

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New transit system? Why not?

Good morning, Netizens... The Spokane Transient Board, a hitherto thinly-disguised subset of our fine local government, has announced they are hot after building a new transient conveyance which ostensibly will cost approximately 36 million to build, subject to voter dissension, and will initially run from…

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David Horsey,,

The Tea Party hits a tree...

Good morning, Netizens... Here we go again, with another fanciful visitation to David Horsey's view of national politics. My God, as if we needed an excuse, given the divinely chaotic fracas over the National Debt! To most Americans, allowing the U.S. economy to default on…

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David Horsey,,

Tea Party crybabies want it all???

Good morning, Netizens... Cartoonist David Horsey set off a political bonfire this morning with this cartoon of John Boehner being derailed by a Tea Party baby. Oh, Lord, there are so many ways to read this. After all, didn't the Tea Party members all get…

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TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011

Are we playing chicken here?

Good morning, Netizens... Have you ever played chicken with another driver before? My personal high priestess of correct thinking always told me playing chicken was a total waste of resources, regardless of whether or not I won. I believe Harry Reed and the Republicans are…

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Jack Garrett--a friend of many years...

Good morning, Netizens... Here, courtesy of the Spokesman-Review, is the obituary of Jack Garrett: Former wheat farmer and lifelong eastern Washington resident, Jack Stewart Garrett, passed away on July 21, 2011 after battling cancer for several years. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, July…

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FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2011

The week in review...

Good morning, Netizens... We have managed to survive for yet another week, as today is Friday. Our combined fortunes here in the Inland Northwest are as good as in the can, although various high-ranking Republicans and Democrats are still fighting like cats and dogs over…

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TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011

Who needs a crow whistle?

Good morning, Netizens... Spokesman-Review columnist Doug Clark's story ( about a crow-calling device this morning did not quite live up to Hillyard standards because we have the genuine article right down the street. Pinky, a delightful old bat who lives down the street from the…

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David Horsey,,

Where does it end?

Good morning, Netizens... Rupert Murdoch stands atop the news universe just like David Horsey's excellent cartoon this morning, and until its demise his News of the World pretty much reigned supreme. If you really want to know how big the news conglomerate owned by Rupert…

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David Horsey,,

Fixing the debt ceiling...

Good morning, Netizens... Do you, or anyone you know, have an in-depth understanding of how the debt ceiling works? I guess that requires some understanding of how our economy works or is dysfunctional. David Horsey's cartoon depicts one view of the budget impasse, but I…

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Photo: Getty Images / SL

The daze of history marches onward...

Good morning, Netizens... Holy cow, how did I miss this important calendar date in history? On July 7, 1946, just six days after the test of a nuclear explosion in a South Pacific atoll named Bikini, French fashion designer Louis Reard introduced a swimsuit of…

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A travesty of justice? It seems so...

Good morning, Netizens... Casey Anthony was found not guilty of the murder of her daughter, Caylee, yesterday. She was, however, found guilty of four counts of giving false testimony to police. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how the prosecutors in this case…

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The Fourth of July in the rear view mirror...

Good morning, Netizens... Happy Birthday, America! Although for the life of me, I seriously question how many Americans will be paying attention to anything other than the rocket's boom and red glare, most of them in various places throughout the Spokane area, some in their…

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Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.

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