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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment archive for Jan. 1, 2012


David Horsey, Los Angeles Times

Take one for all of us?

Good morning, Netizens... Sgt. Robert Bales is accused of murdering 16 civilian villagers, including 9 children. This atrocity appears to be the work of one man, but according to cartoonist David Horsey, we all should share the blame. Our all-volunteer Army has been fighting for…

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David Horsey,Los Angeles Times

The Arrogance of Conservatism

Good evening, Netizens... As is typical, cartoonist David Horsey applied clinically-correct punctuation to a series of events involving Rush Limbaugh this week. In case you hadn't been paying attention, America's favorite windbag, Rush Limbaugh, went after a 30 year-old Georgetown Law Student named Sandra Fluke…

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Kill the computer

Good evening, Netizens... My beloved spouse and myself have been discussing the case of the father and daughter who recently tripped their way onto the news headlines when the father shot her laptop full of holes with a pistol. When we first broached this topic…

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Police Department Photo

Whatever was Edwards thinking?

Good morning, Netizens... Another one bites the dust, for misusing city equipment to obtain the personal information of a woman he met at a Valley bar. Alan D. Edwards, a former Spokane Police Officer, has been fired by interim Police Chief Scott Stevens subsequent to…

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TUESDAY, FEB. 28, 2012

The Council has a new set of gonads...

Good morning, Netizens... Oh my God! Without so much as a flicker of anticipation, last night the Spokane City Council stood up and made a statement regarding Sgt. Brad Thoma and the potential for a lawsuit over his firing that may have surprised some and…

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FRIDAY, FEB. 24, 2012

Catching back up...

Good afternoon, Netizens... There has been another death in our family. Actually, given my age and the number of people I know, it seems as if there is always a death in my family somewhere. Some, like my late ninety-some year old father-in-law whose death…

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THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 2012

I Want the Same Rights as Spokane Police

So, the latest and oh so similar story (same ol' same ol') has come to Spokane AGAIN. Thanks to Chelsea Bannach's article - once again I am amazed and angered that the City of Spokane has no spine! Brad Thoma gets rewarded for acting…

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THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 2012

FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 2012


We finally are home once again...

Good morning, Netizens... My Gawd we are back! We made the initial run to Nebraska by studying NEXRAD weather radar and matching those findings with a road atlas. Normally at this time of year, there is no way you would catch me driving across the…

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SATURDAY, FEB. 4, 2012

Changing plans...

Good evening Netizens… I cannot begin to explain this. But thanks to friendly relatives, one with an Internet connection I am marginally able to connect with folks back in Spokane, despite the fact we are surrounded on four sides by real Midwestern-style blizzard, complete with…

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THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 2012

What is Average Anyway??

I thought that I was the quintessential average woman. No way! Not anymore! It's Ellen DeGeneres! So says J.C. Penney. I'm on a roll for our Blog theme today, which is, what is the standard for average in 2012? One Million Moms are unable…

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Same-Sex Marriage Approved by Senate

Good morning Netizens, Hopefully I can rouse your interest and comments while Blogmeister David Laird is traveling this week. The latest and greatest piece of news recently is that the Washington State Senate has approved of Same-Sex Marriage. See I think this is a…

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Absent w/o official leave...

Good morning, Netizens... I regret to inform everyone that I may be absent from this fine Blog for about five days. There has been a death in my extended family and my family and I are leaving sometime late tomorrow to drive to Nebraska and…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 31, 2012

David Horsey

The Newt and Mitt show...

Good morning, Netizens... Nothing could be more boring than the Screen Actor's Guild awards, right? However, according to David Horsey, the SAG should give a special award for the best reality TV show to the Republican presidential debates to spice things up a bit. No…

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MONDAY, JAN. 30, 2012

David Horsey

Implications if Gingrich wins Florida...

Good morning, Netizens... If you haven't been watching the debates between the Republican front-runners in the various primaries back East, you may have missed one of the truly great moments in political history. Apparently, Newt Gingrich's win in South Carolina over Mitt Romney has a…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 2012

THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 2012

Is this a harmless coincidence?

Good morning, Netizens... Is this a coincidence or not? I've never met Tom Clouse, a reporter for the Spokesman-Review, although if I did manage to meet him, I'd thank him for the good job he did covering the Otto Zehm trial in far-off Yakima, maybe…

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 2012

Another do-nothing commission?

Good afternoon, Netizens... To their good credit, the City Fathers, both past and present, have united in their efforts, and created a police use of force commission will soon be able to convene and examine how the Spokane Police Department uses force. The members of…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 2012

Five days in and quitting..,.

Good afternoon, Netizens... I have crossed many divides in my 66 year course through life, but this morning, I am already five days not smoking, and although I like it not, there are side effects of the pharmaceutical and of course the urge to light…

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THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 2012

Winter arrives, and with it joy in chaos...

Good morning, Netizens... It's here! It's here! After nearly a week spent forecasting doom and gloom about winter snowfall coming and destroying most lifeforms in the Pacific Northwest, the snow actually began arriving, bringing with it winter, just yesterday. Almost immediately the streets began more…

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David Horsey,LA Times

Who is in touch with ordinary people?

Good morning, Netizens... Is Mitt Romney really a man with the touch for the common people? Cartoonist David Horsey certainly portrays the question in his cartoon this morning or, as David Horsey observes, is Romney just another out-of-touch rich guy? Come to think of it,…

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TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 2012

David Horsey, LA Times

Santorum and Gingrich woo Tea Party...

Good morning, Netizens... Here from the illustrious pen of David Horsey, we feature what happens when Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum descend upon the Tea Party members of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Why is it that Gingrich and Santorum are reading from the same right…

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Upon the birthday of Martin Luther King...

Good morning, Netizens... I spent most of yesterday observing the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King if not with a sense of obligation or even public service. I observed the holiday quietly, in retrospect and with a strong sense of the history which few others…

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FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 2012

Ex-Mayor Wants to Rob the Public!!!

To borrow from Doug Clark from today's Spokesman Review, "I’m hotter than a car hood baking under a July sun" over ex-mayor Queen Mary requesting back pay from us village people. Since when does someone get a hefty pension after working merely four years.…

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