Good evening, Netizens... November 01, 2012 Word of the Day agon \AH-gahn\ DEFINITION noun : conflict; especially : the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work EXAMPLES As the U.S. presidential elections approach, anyone with an interest in politics is focused on…
Good afternoon, Netizens... October 31, 2012 Word of the Day phantasm \FAN-taz-um\ DEFINITION noun 1 a : a product of fantasy: as b : delusive appearance: illusion c : ghost, specter d : a figment of the imagination 2 : a mental representation of a…
Good morning, Netizens,,. October 30, 2012 Word of the Day mawkish \MAW-kish\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : having a weak often unpleasant taste 2 : marked by sickly sentimentality : sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way EXAMPLES Tessa preferred to give out humorous…
October 29, 2012 Word of the Day dissociate \dih-SOH-shee-ayt\ DEFINITION verb : disconnect, disunite EXAMPLES Although both politicians are members of the same party, the Senator is trying to dissociate herself from the unpopular governor. "It's not easy to go back to the place where…
Good afternoon, Netizens... October 28, 2012 Word of the Day ad hominem \ad-HAH-muh-nem\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect 2 : marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions…
Good morning, Netizens... October 27, 2012 Word of the Day malison \MAL-uh-sun\ DEFINITION noun : curse, malediction EXAMPLES "When I see him again he shall have the rough side of my tongue and my malison besides." — From Henry Gilbert's 1912 book Robin Hood and…
Good morning, Netizens... October 26, 2012 Word of the Day immure \ih-MYOOR\ DEFINITION verb 1 a : to enclose within or as if within walls b : imprison 2 : to build into a wall; especially : to entomb in a wall EXAMPLES Scientists at…
Good morning, Netizens... Picture: Richard Mourdock In May of 2012, Richard Mourdock became the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Indiana after winning 61% of the vote and 89 of 92 counties in the Republican primary. He is running for the U.S. Senate to challenge…
Good morning, Netizens... October 25, 2012 Word of the Day enigmatic \en-ig-MAT-ik\ DEFINITION adjective : of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : mysterious EXAMPLES When Rolf asked her where she had been, Tianna just gave him an enigmatic smile and answered, "Oh, here and…
Good morning, Netizens... Our sun is getting more and more active when it comes to sunspots recently according to scientists who study our star's activities. This activity naturally waxes and wanes on an 11-year weather pattern. The sun's current cycle is called Solar Cycle 24…
Good morning, Netizens... October 24, 2012 Word of the Day demiurge \DEM-ee-erj\ DEFINITION noun : one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power EXAMPLES The powerfully talented singer-songwriter-producer has been described by at least one music-industry insider as a "demiurge." "A noisy group…
Good morning Netizens... October 23, 2012 Word of the Day smashmouth \SMASH-mouth\ DEFINITION adjective : characterized by brute force without finesse EXAMPLES Monday night's game, between two teams known for their hard-hitting, aggressive styles, promises to be entertaining if you like smashmouth football. "The Tigers…
Good evening, Netizens... It's about the waters, actually. In our shared lives together the late John King, a writer and friend to myself and many others, often wrote and spoke eloquently about life along the Lochsa River in Idaho, and how ephemeral and moving the…
Good morning, Netizens... October 22, 2012 Word of the Day extemporize \ik-STEMP-puh-ryze\ DEFINITION verb 1 : improvise 2 : to get along in a makeshift manner EXAMPLES Although she was caught off-guard by the award, Sue managed to extemporize a speech thanking her entire team…
Good afternoon Netizens... October 21, 2012 Word of the Day abide \uh-BYDE\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to endure, tolerate, or accept 2 : to remain stable or fixed in a state 3 : to continue in a place EXAMPLES Susan has been a vegetarian for…
Good morning, Netizens... If the Barack Obama that showed up for the second Presidential Debate had shown up on the first debate, according to David Horsey, the Republican Party might be turning their thoughts to 2016 and arguing over how they got tricked into nominating…
Good morning, Netizens... October 20, 2012 Word of the Day uncanny \un-KAN-ee\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : eerie, mysterious 2 : being beyond what is normal or expected EXAMPLES Our waiter had an uncanny resemblance to the creepy villain in the film we had just seen.…
Good morning, Netizens... October 19, 2012 Word of the Day hew \HYOO\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to cut or fell with blows (as of an ax) 2 : to give shape to with or as if with an ax 3 : to conform or to…
Good morning, Netizens... October 18, 2012 Word of the Day worldly-wise \WERLD-wee-wyze\ DEFINITION adjective : possessing a practical and often shrewd understanding of human affairs EXAMPLES The interns' supervisor addressed the group, saying "We don't expect our interns to be worldly-wise—we expect them to be…
Good morning, Netizens... October 17, 2012 Word of the Day \FER-lawng\ DEFINITION noun : a unit of distance equal to 220 yards (about 201 meters) EXAMPLES "They tramped on again. But they had not gone more than a furlong when the storm returned with fresh…
October 16, 2012 Word of the Day surfeit \SER-fut\ DEFINITION noun 1 : an overabundant supply : excess 2 : an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something (as food or drink) 3 : disgust caused by excess EXAMPLES "A surfeit of the sweetest things /…
Good afternoon, Netizens... I regret to inform everyone that our own Marty Hibbs is in Scared Heart Hospital Room 652 suffering from pneumonia. He is doing better from last night when he was listed as in serious but stable condition. If you have time please…
Good morning, Netizens... October 15, 2012 Word of the Day envisage \in-VIZ-ij\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to view or regard in a certain way 2 : to have a mental picture of especially in advance of realization EXAMPLES In planning out their new patio, Betty…
Good morning, Netizens... I doubt if anyone in the free world, short of Mitt Romney, knows that our own Jeanie of Spokane has been under the weather lately. However, just in the last sixty days or so, Jeanie has had both her kidneys removed by…
Good morning, Netizens... October 14, 2012 Word of the Day garniture \GAHR-nih-cher\ DEFINITION noun 1 : embellishment, trimming 2 : a set of decorative objects (as vases, urns, or clocks) EXAMPLES The room was authentically furnished right down to the 16th-century garniture decorating the mantel…